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Best ICO Marketing Strategy Successful ICOs Use

ICO Marketing

In order to raise funds, there are thousands of ways are available with Blockchain. However, launching and marketing an ICO is considered one of the most rewarding and most perplexed at the same time. And the reason behind calling it complex is because it merges several processes, from mining to trading, marketing, and liquidity mining. 

Whether it’s confusing, there would be the probability of success with ICOs depends upon the total of one-factor Marketing. This is the reason, several procedures indulged are settled, however, marketing contains many moving parts. You can also go for genric tools and solutions for the method like mining and distribution. 

There are 81% of the brands have chosen content marketing for boosting their reputation. 

What are the prime components of a successful marketing plan?

Under an ICO, new companies and businesses have collected funds by selling cryptocurrency to call the investors at a less price – as tokens. 

With these marketing tools, you can easily generate demands for your ICO – 

  1. ICO Calendar Listing 
  2. Press releases 
  3. Whitepapers 
  4. A well-designed website 
  5. Email Marketing 
  6. Bounty Programs 
  7. Affiliate Marketing 

ICO Calendar Listing

In order to find investors for your ICO, reputable ICO directories are the best places among all. However, they usually need details like –

Press releases

This is another example of the types of content marketing for circulating awareness for your ICO. 

This press release is a professionally and briefly written piece of news that is shared around a network of news sites, that focus on the main developments in your organization that you want to aware to people.


The white paper is a form of content that is written for an ICO to make investors understand a full image of what your ICO project will do, how will it work, and why it’s a worthwhile investment. 

Here you should cover all the most crucial things that are – 

A well-designed website

For the first impression, you can expect 94% of your potential investors to hold their attention to your project whenever they visit your site. While this journey took you through the transformation of your funnel where you find relatable to their experiences with your web design. 

Email Marketing

If you are into the simple and persuasive newsletter then it can aid you to find the new investors and others who were already fixed.  There you can make your email records by encouraging visitors to subscribe to your newsletters. For the maximum result and impact on your buyer, you can cover all the buyer’s journey for more impressions, and also can display brand concept and message, promotion of enticing offers, and offer good support to paid subscribers. 

Bounty Programs

For attracting more investors you can utilize several incentivized programs. Through these bounty programs, you can provide a massive variety of rewards to incentivize actions that advertise your ICOs and come up with helpful insights. 

Affiliate Marketing

It is yet another and the last program in order to incentivize action- pointed certainly on lead and sales generation. Under affiliate marketing, you can pay out the sales commissions to affiliates who can call your leads and buyers. 

Content Marketing Tactics for ICOs 

Nowadays, content marketing is the medium that encloses numerous strategies and processes to promote brand messages all web across. 

Here is the list of best ICO content marketing plan which enhances the efficiency are – 

SEO practices

In order to give true exposure to your brand image and brand stories, you should reach out to the correct target audience every time. And into this, your website plays an important role in conveying your messages to your potential investors. 

Therefore, a good practice of SEO has to do a lot in quality and consistency. You can increase your site’s SEO by following some tricks : 


A blog is yet another way to enhance engagement rates and conversion rates across your websites. Blog plays an important role as it aids to generate more traffic and emerges the dwell times across your website. 

Inside the blog, you can also put the concepts and core messages while writing on trending topics. You have to just select the right paragraph where you can smoothly blend trending topics along with the specific brand stories in order to offer something fresh and insightful. 


This networking has been tried -and – true Bitcoin marketing strategy has been practiced that results in an increase in the probability of success many times more. Also, on the web, there are a plethora of cryptocurrency communities where you can get potential investors. 

They looked upon everything linked to the blockchain, from blockchain startups to cryptocurrencies, crypto – assets, Crowdsales, ICO listing, digital marketing funnels, and relevant technologies as well. 

Explainer videos

Now, it’s already been included in the trends where  93% of owners of the brands are using explainer videos to give a nod as one of the most effective mediums for conveying their messages through their explainer videos. 

When it comes to ICO, there are several types of explainers videos that can assist you to communicate effectively to your customers. You can utilize behind the scene videos, interviews with executives, 2D or 3D animations, Photo series, and PowerPoint videos. 

Lead Digital Advertising Strategies for ICOs 

During the promotion of your ICOs, you’ll come across a major obstacle where the promotion of ICO ad campaigns has been banned related to cryptocurrency on several platforms, especially on social media search engines. For example, you will have to come across very tight hoops to post cryptocurrency ads on Facebook. 

Here is the list of some effective ad strategies you can adopt – 

  1. Display campaigns 
  2. Blockchain marketing 
  3. Paid ads on social media 
  4. ICO influencers

What do you understand about Blockchain Marketing? 

Blockchain is considered a public library project that enables members of a community to merge and organize public documents in the lockdown. And after the successful changes have been applied to certain public documents ( the mining procedure in cryptocurrency terms), hard copies are shared with each member of the community, so that they would get access to it without leaving their dwellings. 

Below is the list of various ways that blockchain marketing can assist you to shore up your campaign ICO are – 

Now, as you get a lot of information about Initial Coin Offering (ICO) Marketing, then you might wonder about companies who are into this kind of development or marketing. Then, SAG IPL is among the top companies that are into crypto development and its related concerns and also do marketing these digital currencies. The company leads in many ways because it has highly skilled professionals with good experience. The organization has assigned each team of experts to a certain field of work. The hard work of employees has made them famous from overseas also as they get various projects from across the globe. So, if you also have any queries or questions to ask us, then you can directly mail us or call us on our mentioned mail id or contact number.


  • I am a professional writer and blogger. I’m researching and writing about innovation, Blockchain, technology, business, and the latest Blockchain marketing trends.

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